Thursday, January 20, 2011

dear god, i have lost the big 20!!

i haven't been feeling well the last few days. in fact it really hurts to swallow anything right now. so i haven't totally been following hCG protocol (as in i had a grissinni breadstick in the morning instead of at lunch, didn't really eat lunch but doubled up on my meat for dinner). but i thought for sure i ate more than i should have yesterday. i guess not. another 1.4 lbs down. i only have 6 more lbs to go for my next reward. i have been thinking about getting some eyelash extensions. but not sure. one of my best work pals got me some saweet fake eyelashes to try out. they were pretty sexy. too bad i am technically challenged and don't know how to get my pictures from my phone to the computer. anyway, here are some other hot pics (not me of course) with eyelash extensions. what do you think?


Lana said...

OH MY GOSH YES!!! Yes to the eyelash extensions! Yes to losing 20 pounds! I am so happy for you. I think that your big reward should be coming to NYC with me in June instead of a new camera! Just sayin'.

Alexa said...

I totally dig the last picture XD

Eyelash extensions are awesome, but they have to be redone every few weeks. Just like getting fake nails, the regrowth needs to be "filled"

Ever thought about getting Latisse? It's that prescription stuff that helps you grow your own eyelashes...

harley449 said...

Love the last girl........If you think you will love them go for it.20lbs, way to go my girl. Miss you...................

Just Jaime said...

Woohoo for 20!!! Eye lash extensions look really cool! I wore some false eye lashes for my wedding and I loved 'em.

Emily Nice said...

good job on sticking with it! You can send the pictures from your phone to your email...

Shondell said...

Love the lash idea! I have a friend who's been wearing them for almost a year...she loves them but says they are a little expensive to keep up, about $75 every 6 weeks (about the same as having your hair done) She talked me into wearing reusable fakes & I love them! You can't help but feel pretty!
Wow! 20lbs! You're Amazing! Keep it up hot shot!

Just Jaime said...

It has almost been a week and I must know how you are doing!

Jennee said...

i love the idea . . . i might steal it :D