Wednesday, February 9, 2011

dear god, i am getting a little nervous

so i must admit, among all my happy celebration in losing weight, the naughty girl is coming out in me. and she is saying: "what if you don't lose enough weight by the time you go on your cruise?" or "your legs are still way too fat for shorts." or "just eat those m & ms, who cares." i am fighting her BIG time this week. i think i let my guard down way too low on sunday and having a hard time building back my appropriate boundaries. i mean, i am doing great. still losing - although losing what i ALREADY lost last week. eating good. no pressures there. i think i am feeling a little too frisky right now. and i am scared the weekend is going to KILL me.

i cannot wait to start exercising. it will be nice to get rid of some of these nasty endorphins that are helping me feel all anxious and itchy. i HATE being itchy. this all might tie into the stress of my normal life. work, school, internship, projects, family, parties. i am purposefully staying busy as to not think too much. but i think i am going a little crazy.

i have decided during this most random post that i need to laugh more. it feels so good to laugh. and it is really depressing me right now that i can actually remember the last few times i have laughed really hard. like pee pee laugh. my work pal (e nice), introduced me to a funny lady via youtube today. i can't think of her name right now, but she makes fun of people's song lyrics. which is pretty witty commentary. god, give e nice a pat on her head for being a good friend today (and always) and making me laugh. i also have a really great picture that i am looking at right now of one of my besties (barbarella) with little rosewater. barbs had some drinks on an outing with us one day and got to taking pics with little rosewater in the backseat of the car. they are laughing together hysterically. however little is slightly suspicious of barbs. best. picture. ever. god, thank barbs AND little rosewater tonight too.

love, in need of some laughs, pepper


Just Jaime said...

GoZell is her name and she is amazing. Look up Kid History on YouTube. Also if you're into potty humor, "The Empire Farts Back" It made my husband cry. I laughed a lot too and I'm not as into potty humor but there are so funny parts.

Anonymous said...

laughing is good! Don't worry about the future or the week-end just be in the moment and that will help you stay focused. TA TA

Nicki said...

good times lovey!

Lana said...

Just gotta make certain that you got my voice mail today. In case you missed it because I was laughing so hard at my apparent idiocy:

"Did you hear about the little boy who swallowed a quater, dime, nickel and penny? When his parents alled the hospital for an update on his condition, the nurse told him there was no change."

"An update on the man who became completely paralyzed on his left side: He's all right now."

Hope these helped make you laugh! Keep up the commitment with your diet. I love you!

Lana said...

i know, I'm so damn funny,