Wednesday, March 9, 2011

dear god, pepper is officially MIA - just for a bit

sorry i haven't written in a while. life has turned over on top of me right now. and pepper is lying underneath all the ruble and dust and volcano rock (as little rosewater always says). so she will be back shortly. just need a little break. but just so we (pepper and whatever this is that is lying on top of her) are held accountable... weight has been gained. about 4 lbs. so the scale is back in the 230s. 234.1 to be exact. just typing this is making me sick. but the truth can be ugly. i am however, resigned and am going to try out for BL this weekend. pepper or the fat ruble that is suffocating her. not sure which. but we will let you know the outcome. i will be back soon. i keep changing between we and i, so i think i am close to crawling out of this shit. balls to the wall.

love, us


Chrissi said...

Dear Pepper,

I really am worried about you my friend. I know that you're going through some really, really tough things and I wish that there was something that I could do. I know that you can crawl out from the rubble and volcano rock... you can do this!


harley449 said...

Chrissi is right you can crawl out and we will all be there to help and cheer you on. Keep focused my love and watch how you will come back and be ok. My love to you always and remember stay tuff....

Emily Nice said...

We're here for you. At times crawling is all you can do and thats enough! I hope you do still keep posting. Maybe just a sentance noting if were able to do some exercise or turn down a less healthy snack? I'm not expert but I imagine that staying focused on little things can sometimes keep the big rubble things from smashing you... I think your awesome and you inspire me.

Jennee said...

Sorry to hear you are having a struggle. Keep your chin up.