Sunday, April 3, 2011

dear god, it is finally done

i finally finished my BL audition video. go here to see it.


marisa said...

I just viewed your video and I love how raw and personal you are on it. This is for YOU and you definitely showed them why you deserve this along with your family. I am so sorry for your loss and you are so right..your baby angel is sitting right on your shoulder and will be there with you every step of the way!

I am rooting for you! Very inspiring!

Just Jaime said...

Your video is PERFECT! It is so YOU. Good work and great job. Love you!

Lana said...

Oh Allison, I am so proud of you. I wish that we lived close by each other so I could be there everyday and support you. Know that you are in my thoughts always and that I love you. You are going to be damn awesome on BL, and if they don't accept you, they are STOOOPID!

Did you ever know that you're my hero?

Just Jaime said...

So this video is so good, I was thinking about it all night and then I dreamed about it. Good luck Allison!